Macroeconomic Monitoring


Monthly consists of two parts: comments on current situation in Poland and global economy as well as members’ articles.

We want to familiarize student with macroeconomic data. We focus on interpretation. In our analysis we always raise the question: “Why?”, eg why current account increases/decreases from previous period, why inflation remains on upward/downward trend in the recent months etc. We finish by short forecast with a question :”What will happen in the nearest future?”. In projects in our community we are looking for synergy. We willingly use the reports from the Economic Forecasting team. We are pleased to be analytical support for members of the Shadow Cabinet Monetary Policy Council.

monitoring makro


In the MME we analyse the following sections::

  • GDP
  • Industrial productionand PMI
  • Retail sales
  • Labor market
  • Inflation
  • Monetary policy
  • Current account
  • External environment
  • Exchange rates
  • Raw materials market
  • Stock exchange
  • Bond market


Every member is responsible forone section. We send comments to our tutor, Chief Economist from SocieteGenerale, to check. When the amendments have been made we publish a new issue of MME and distribute it on our university.

Our goals?

The main idea of SKN FM is „Poland to be a good and wise country”. Working for MME we also fulfill this mission by:

1)      External development

We share our knowledge and experience with students.We focus student’s attention on current macroeconomic data by publishing comments on paper, and on the internet (on our website and Facebook). We plan to expand beyond the SGH

2)      Internal development

Writing to MME lets us try performing duties of  an analysts/economists working on financial sector. We also learn how to form the professional economic texts. Moreover we are always up to date with all the economic data and have an opportunity to attend coaching sessions performed by our tutor.


We have been receiving many positive comments from readers: students and professors. We are highly assessed in the annual assessment session byCouncil of Circles and Organizations at the SGH. Our monthly issue is 150.

How to join us?

If you are interested in economy, tracking latest economic news, enjoy analysing macroeconomic data and you want to start writing professional comments – join us ! We learn together on our mistakes so do not be afraid if you do not have any experience. Please contact with our coordinator Tomasz Salis (

The membership will let you deepen your knowledge from macroeconomics and use theoretical workshop in practice.


Poland to be a good and wise country

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